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  • 🎨 DragGAN: The Photoshop Killer?

🎨 DragGAN: The Photoshop Killer?

Apple Bans ChatGPT, DragGAN AI Image Editor, AI Regulation, and More

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Here’s what we got for you today:

  • 📲 ChatGPT For iPhone Released

  • 🍎 Apple Restricts Employee Use of ChatGPT

  • 🎨 DragGAN: The Photoshop Killer?

  • 🧾 Open AI: Please Regulate AI

  • 🖼️  A.I. Generated Image of the Day

  • ⚡️ A.I. Meme of the Day

ChatGPT For iPhone Released

The official ChatGPT app for iPhone and iPad, is now available on the app store! In no time, it skyrocketed to the coveted position of being the #1 free productivity app. Similar to its browser / desktop counterpart, the app offers a premium upgrade called ChatGPT Plus, priced at $19.99. Before the release of this authorized application, numerous unofficial ChatGPT apps had gained significant popularity, with several even reaching the top 10 rankings on the app store. With the official app, you get seamless syncing across accounts with the browser version and you'll have direct access to the latest features straight from OpenAI.

Apple Restricts Employee Use of ChatGPT

Apple has decided to restrict its employees from using AI tools such as OpenAI's ChatGPT and GitHub's Copilot. The reason behind this decision is the concern that these tools might accidentally leak or collect confidential information entered into them. OpenAI's storage of user interactions with ChatGPT has also raised privacy concerns, as these conversations are collected for training purposes and can be reviewed by moderators. Although OpenAI introduced a feature to turn off chat history, conversations are still retained for 30 days and can be inspected before permanent deletion. Apple's ban is noteworthy considering OpenAI recently launched an iOS app for ChatGPT. However, Apple is not alone in this restriction, as other companies like JP Morgan, Verizon, and Amazon have also implemented similar bans.

DragGAN: The Photoshop Killer?

Researchers from Google, MIT, and the University of Pennsylvania have unveiled DragGAN, a new photo editing app that leverages AI in a unique way. With DragGAN, users can manipulate images by dragging two key components, enabling edits such as changing facial expressions or transforming animals' poses. Unlike traditional editing tools like Photoshop, DragGAN goes beyond pixel manipulation and can regenerate non-existent areas in the image. While the app is still in development, online demos demonstrate its potential. The research focuses on a novel approach to controlling generative adversarial networks (GANs) through feature-based motion supervision and discriminative AI features. The researchers highlight the precision and flexibility offered by DragGAN, allowing users to manipulate diverse categories like animals, cars, humans, and landscapes.

Open AI: Please Regulate AI

OpenAI executives have expressed their desire for a regulatory body similar to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to oversee the regulation of AI. The IAEA is an international organization responsible for ensuring the peaceful and safe use of nuclear energy. It acts as a regulatory authority, overseeing nuclear activities worldwide, enforcing safety standards, conducting inspections, and promoting efforts to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons.

The concept of an "IAEA for superintelligence efforts" suggests the need for a comparable regulatory entity to supervise the development and implementation of AI systems with superintelligence capabilities. This agency would establish safety standards, conduct inspections, require audits, and impose restrictions on the deployment and security of superintelligent AI systems.

The proposed IAEA-like authority would play a crucial role in mitigating the risks associated with superintelligence. It would be responsible for monitoring and enforcing compliance with safety measures, tracking compute and energy usage, and potentially possessing the authority to limit or restrict the development of superintelligence to prevent existential risks.

Cool A.I. Tools, News and Demos

Over 20 more cool apps added to Daily Zaps AI hub. If you have any cool tools to share, feel free to submit them or get in touch with us by replying to this email.

100% A.I. Generated Image of the Day

Midjourney Prompt - Hypebeast Pikachu wearing Chanel streetwear zapping down the street in Tokyo, adorable cinematic


A.I. Meme of the Day

AI mental gymnastics…..

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