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ChatGPT's Big Problem with Neanderthals

ChatGPT's guardrails fail tests, Walmart wants no human workers, and AI influencing trial verdicts.

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Here’s what we got for you today:

  • 🦖 A.I. helps revive molecules of neanderthals

  • 🏬 Walmart planning to integrate A.I. into their stores

  • 🛥️ U.S. government forcing company to give up their A.I. boats

  • 😠 A.I. is making it tougher for judges to find the truth

  • 🖥️ Carnegie Mellon students find a problem in ChatGPT guardrails

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  • 🖼️ A.I. Generated Image of the Day

A.I. Helps Revive Molecules of Neanderthals

Scientists used artificial intelligence to bring back molecules from ancient human relatives, like Neanderthals and Denisovans. These molecules have the potential to fight harmful bacteria and inspire new drugs for human infections. Traditional antibiotic development has slowed, and antibiotic-resistant bacteria are becoming a problem. 

By using AI, researchers discovered short protein parts called peptides with antimicrobial properties in these ancient molecules. They tested some of these peptides on bacteria and found that while they were effective, they needed improvement. However, the AI approach opens up new possibilities for drug discovery and could lead to more effective antibiotics in the future.

Imagine seeing this dude walking down the street one day!

Walmart Planning to Integrate A.I. Into Stores

Walmart is using artificial intelligence to improve their store operations. By leveraging AI, they can analyze customer preferences and buying patterns, optimize inventory management, and plan employee schedules more efficiently. This helps Walmart serve their customers better and run their stores smoothly.

However, there are concerns about the impact of AI on job opportunities for workers. Since AI can automate certain tasks that were traditionally performed by people, there's a debate about whether it might lead to job cuts in the future. While AI can boost productivity and streamline processes, it also raises questions about the potential displacement of human workers in certain roles.

In essence, Walmart's adoption of AI is aimed at enhancing the shopping experience and store efficiency, but some people are cautious about how it may affect employment prospects for workers in the long term.

U.S. Government Forcing Company to Give Up Their A.I. Boats

Saildrone's AI-powered boats helped with climate research, but then the US government got interested in using AI for military surveillance. This sparked a rush of investments in defense and AI technology. However, there are challenges in getting the military and tech companies to collaborate. The stakes are high, and both sides need to work together to stay competitive in this fast-changing world.

A.I. Making It Tougher For Judges to Find the Truth

The use of AI programs generating fake case citations can have severe consequences on court cases, leaving lawyers at risk of penalties or case overturning. Recently, a law firm representing Avianca Inc. used ChatGPT, an AI program, for its legal brief but faced a $5,000 penalty when the AI included fabricated judicial decisions.

Similar incidents have occurred in South Africa, leading to disapproval from judges and magistrates towards such tactics. The judge in the Avianca case highlighted the harm caused to the reputation of judges and courts falsely associated with fake opinions, as well as to the implicated party's reputation.

The legal industry is grappling with the challenge of balancing the potential for embarrassing errors with client pressure to use AI for efficiency and cost reduction. Until a better solution emerges, thorough review of pleadings remains crucial to avoid such issues when employing AI programs like ChatGPT.

Carnegie Mellon Students Find A Problem in ChatGPT’s Guard Rails

Researchers have discovered a big problem with artificial intelligence language models. These models, like ChatGPT and others, have safety measures to prevent them from doing harmful things like promoting racism or writing dangerous content. However, the researchers found a way to bypass these safety measures, which could lead to serious issues. Attackers could make the AI models say racist or sexist things, create malware, and do other harmful actions.

This could be a big problem if these AI models are used in public applications or as digital assistants on the internet. The attack method worked on many AI chatbots, both open-source and proprietary ones, making it a concerning issue for AI developers and users. The researchers suggest that we need to find better ways to protect AI models from such attacks before using them in important applications.

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 Other Tech News ⚡️

100% A.I. Generated Image of the Day

To celebrate National Coloring Book Day — here’s a cool lil’ ClipDrop prompt you can try out:

ClipDrop Prompt - A cute cartoon child in a living room coloring their coloring book with toys scattered around them on the floor.

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