Can ChatGPT Construct A Building?

AI Saved the World?, Writers Worried About AI, More Senate AI Discussions, and More

AI news went from racing at 150 MPH to taking a leisurely cruise at 100 MPH. Is it the summer slump or just a slow week? No worries, though, we've still got you covered!

Here’s what we got for you today:

  • 👷‍♂️ Can ChatGPT Construct A Building?

  • 🎄 Why AI Will Save the World

  • 🎥 Writers Guild of America and AI

  • 🤖 CNET Is Overhauling Its AI Policy

  • 🗳️ Senate AI Briefings

  • 🖼️  A.I. Generated Image of the Day

  • ⚡️ A.I. Meme of the Day

Can ChatGPT Construct A Building?

IMPACT, and Dutch construction company, has put up a challenge for ChatGPT on a construction site in Antwerp, gaining global attention on social media. The billboard, which encourages recognition of skilled professionals, has been shared and interacted with millions of times. The campaign aims to highlight the expertise and irreplaceable skills possessed by professionals in an age of artificial intelligence and automation. The initiative seeks to initiate a vigorous debate on the importance of granting professionals the prestige they deserve. The Director of Marketing & Culture at IMPACT emphasizes the need to appreciate undervalued professions and allow them to contribute to building the future. The campaign invites people to join the debate on platforms like Reddit and LinkedIn. Those interested can also visit the construction site in Antwerp until June 12 to witness the campaign firsthand.

Why AI Will Save the World

Marc Andreessen, a renowned venture capitalist (V.C.), is famous for his extensive tweet threads covering a wide range of topics. However, a few months ago, he decided to switch to a newsletter format for his posts instead of tweet storms. In his recent newsletter, he discusses several interesting points, and here are five highlights from his article (although the full article is much more extensive).

  1. Every child will have an AI tutor that provides unwavering support, knowledge, and assistance, enabling them to reach their full potential.

  2. Every person will have an AI assistant/coach/mentor that guides them throughout life, maximizing their achievements and helping overcome challenges.

  3. AI will drive accelerated productivity growth, economic expansion, new industries, job creation, and improved material prosperity worldwide.

  4. Scientific breakthroughs and technological advancements will flourish as AI aids in decoding the laws of nature.

  5. The creative arts will experience a renaissance, with AI-augmented artists realizing their visions at unprecedented speed and scale.

Writers Guild of America and AI

Members of the Writers Guild of America (WGA) have been on strike after negotiations with the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP) failed to reach an agreement by May 1. The WGA is arguing for better compensation, improvements in professional standards and protections for writers, and stronger MBA protections, among other demands. The two sides have been unable to come to an agreement on the potential use of artificial intelligence, with the WGA requesting that AI cannot write or rewrite literary material or be used as source material. The AMPTP has rejected this proposal, offering only to hold "annual meetings to discuss advancements in technology." More details here.

CNET Is Overhauling Its AI Policy

Tech publication CNET has changed its policy on the use of AI in its journalism after receiving criticism for publishing machine-generated stories without proper disclosure. While AI-written stories are no longer published, AI will still be utilized to organize information and speed up certain research tasks. However, concerns persist about the potential for AI-generated content requiring human fact-checking and the extent of AI's future role. CNET staff's intention to unionize also includes pushing back against continued AI deployment. The revised guidelines fall short of expectations, prompting negotiations.

CNET staff have unionized with the WGA to help with negotiations on AI.

Senate AI Briefings

The Senate is organizing a series of three bipartisan briefings exclusively for senators to address the topic of artificial intelligence (AI). These briefings, including a first-ever classified session, aim to tackle the growing technology's implications. Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, along with Senators Mike Rounds, Martin Heinrich, and Todd Young, announced the briefings. The first session will focus on the current state of AI, its capabilities, and advancements. The second briefing will explore the future of AI, examining its ongoing development and potential progress over the next decade. The third classified briefing will delve into how national security agencies employ AI and the understanding of adversaries' AI capabilities.

Cool A.I. Tools, News and Demos

10 cool apps added to Daily Zaps AI hub. If you have any cool tools to share, feel free to submit them or get in touch with us by replying to this email.

100% A.I. Generated Image of the Day

Midjourney Prompt - a breaching whale shot with Sony Alpha a9 II and Sony FE 200-600mm f/5.6-6.3 G OSS lens, natural light

100% not real..amazing

A.I. Meme of the Day

“Apple tax” is a colloquial term used to describe the premium Apple charges for its products, making them (usually) more expensive than products from other tech companies.

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